Campbell, an attorney who served in the House from 2008 to 2008, will be the Mississippi state director of AARP. Campbell posted on Facebook, “Having served as Vice-Chairman under both Democratic leadership and Republican leadership in Congress, I am committed to working across partisan lines for the benefit of all Mississippi citizens.” “But, we all have seasons. This is my time for change. My work at State House is done. It is time to let go of the reins and allow someone else to take over as District 72 leader.” District 72 runs from Pocahontas, Hinds County, to west Jackson, to Ridgeland in Madison County. She was vice-chairwoman of the Banking and Financial Services Committee. She was also a member of the Compilation, Revision and Publication, Judiciary B, Judiciary En Banc, and Public Utilities Committees. Campbell is the third House member to accept a new position this year. Governor. Phil Bryant appointed Linda Coleman (D-Mound Bayou) to a circuit judgeship. Coleman resigned from the legislature in mid-session to accept this post. Bryant appointed later in March Rep. Herb Frierson (R-Poplarville) as House appropriations Chairman, Commissioner of Revenue. Frierson completed the regular session of the House and will assume the Department of Revenue reigns July 1st. Bryant will hold a special election in order to fill the vacant seat. Bryant’s office didn’t immediately respond to emails and calls. Campbell wrote, “I will ALWAYS love House District 72 citizens.” Campbell wrote, “But when God calls, move “… You can’t refuse some offers! By the end of May, I will be leaving the House of Representatives. This is a new chapter for me and my girls, so please pray for us! I thank God for preparing me for the next stage. “I’m leaving on my terms, just like Kobe Bryant.”