Candi Richardson joined Mississippi Today as its first Sales and Marketing Director. She has more than 12 years of experience in digital marketing, corporate relations, and marketing management. Richardson was previously the Corporate Relations Director at United Way of Metro Jackson. Richardson stated, “Throughout the nation’s history the critical role of the media in achieving social and political reform has been important.” Richardson said, “Having the chance to work towards progress within my own state and supporting an institution that fights against injustices in Mississippi is truly humbling.” Richardson has been awarded numerous sales awards and distinctions at United Way and The Clarion Ledger Media Group. She is a native of Greenville, Miss. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, as well as a Master’s degree in Communications from The University of Southern Mississippi. Mary Margaret White, Mississippi Today CEO, Executive Director, stated, “From the first time I met Candi, it was clear that she was the right person for our strategy to expand sales and marketing.” “Candi is a sharp marketer and understands the importance of good journalism in civic engagement and democracy. Kate Royals, who has extensive experience in digital media and corporate relationships, is the ideal fit for our mission-driven nonprofit newsroom. She will be reporting on K-12 schools as well as higher education with the Delta Bureau education reporters. She will also work with Mississippi Today’s editorial team to develop strategy for state education coverage. Royals is returning to Mississippi Today where she was an education reporter between 2016-2018. Most recently, she was a public information officer at University of Mississippi Medical Center. Royals said, “I am delighted to be back at Mississippi Today covering Education.” This is a crucial time for Mississippi schools, with many benchmarks in public education increasing over the past several years. COVID-19 presents additional challenges for parents, students, and educators. This makes it an exceptional time to be an education journalist. Royals was formerly a reporter at The Clarion Ledger, covering education and government. Her investigative reporting, which included stories about the state’s prison system and campaign finance laws, earned her awards. After graduating from Louisiana State University’s Manship School of Mass Communications, she was a MassLive news producer in Springfield, Mass.