Barton is among dozens of legislators and staffers who have contracted COVID-19 infected by an outbreak at the state Capitol. John Read, House Appropriations Chairman and one of Barton’s Jackson Countians, said that he was admitted to ICU. “The report I received (Thursday morning) was that he was on oxygen only, he was awake, and communicating.” Barton was reportedly admitted to the hospital on Sunday. Read and others posted on social media asking for prayers and well wishes to Barton. Barton is a nine-year-old lawmaker, former Jackson County supervisor, Vietnam combat veteran, and Purple Heart recipient. “A number of legislators and staff have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past two weeks,” Read posted on Facebook. While most people have recovered, some are still in pain. Rep. Manly Barrton, one of our most loved chairmen, remains in hospital. Read wrote that Manly is “as tough as they come.” Read wrote, “He took a bullet during Vietnam and has lived an extraordinary life of service to his community and state…. Please join us in praying for healing and recovery of one of our finest men in the House of Representatives.” Manly was admitted Sunday to the hospital. Pray for all the other victims. Dr. Thomas Dobbs, the State Health Officer, stated Tuesday that 41 people have tested positive from the Capitol outbreak. This was before the Legislature left Jackson on August 1. Dobbs stated that there have been two hospitalizations related to the Capitol outbreak. Both Philip Gunn, Speaker of the House, and Lt. Governor were both positive. Delbert Hosemann (who preside over the Senate) has tested positive. Spokespersons for both confirmed this week that they are doing well and were both self-isolating at their homes.