Keep up-to-date with the latest information about Mississippi’s coronavirus. Follow Mississippi Today’s Twitter team and interact with them as they provide the most recent information and resources in real-time. Keep up to date with the latest stories, COVID-19 resources and more here. Scroll down to see the Mississippi Today Twitter timeline. Tweets by MSTODAYnews Kelsey Davis, Education Reporter (Delta Bureau): @kdavistwelve Adam Ganucheau, Politics Reporter: @GanucheauAdam Bobby Harrison, Senior Politics Reporter: @BobbyHarrison9 Sereena Henderson, Social Media Manager & Reporter: @SereenaOnSocial Erica Hensley, Investigative Reporter: @e_hensley Michelle Liu, Report for America Reporter: @mchelleliu Ryan ‘R.L.’ Nave, Editor-in-Chief: @rlnave Harvey Parson, Managing Editor: @hleep316 Marshall Ramsey, Editor-at-Large: @MarshallRamsey Alex Rozier, Data Reporter: @alxrzr Eric Shelton, Report for America Photojournalist: @EricJShelton Kayleigh Skinner, Education Reporter: @KayAnneSkinner Anna Wolfe, Investigative Reporter: @ayewolfe Aallyah Wright, Education Reporter (Delta Bureau): @aallyahpatrice