The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has a three-judge panel. Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in the case June 11th. It has yet to decide whether to reverse a lower court’s order that the districts be redrawn so that black voters have a better chance of electing the candidate of their choosing. Rob McDuff, an attorney representing a group Mississippi voters, stated that the Secretary of State’s Office has already printed the sample ballot as required by state law. This gives him reason for believing the court will not overturn the decision of U.S. district Judge Carlton Reeves. Gov. Phil Bryant and Secretary Of State Delbert Hosemann appealed Reeves’ decision and, through lawyers, argued before three judges that the ruling should be reversed. McDuff stated that the governor and secretary of states asked the Court of Appeals for the restoration of the old districts before the June 17th deadline. McDuff stated, “Obviously that didn’t occur. The Court of Appeals has not yet issued a formal ruling, but the plan is still in effect as the ballots are printed for next year’s election.” Monday was the deadline that the Secretary of State’s Office had to print the sample ballot. It can now be viewed on the agency’s website. Absentee voter ballots are expected to be available by Monday. The 5th Circuit could reverse the decision at this point and force the state to reprint ballots. Candidates would then be allowed to requalify for the two Senate districts that were affected by the ruling. Leah Rupp Smith spoke for Hosemann and stated that “we are continuing with the district lines drawn by the Legislature during the 2019 regular session.” “When the court comes to its end, we will follow its instructions on how to move forward.” The Legislature redrew District 22 in response to Reeves’ order. Bryant and Hosemann appealed Reeves’ decision. Reeves’ decision was followed by a redrawing of the district. The Legislature added African American voters to Sunflower County and removed the majority of white voting precincts from Bolivar County. They were placed in District 13. According to those who filed the lawsuit, the result was that African Americans could have a black senator in the District 13 and one in the District 22. This district covers six counties and was created during the 2012 legislative session. The 2012 election of the Lt. Governor. Tate Reeves faced a problem with his redistricting team when trying to protect Buck Clarke, his newly elected Appropriations chair. The Senate needed to redistrict Clarke’s Delta centrerist District 22, in order to conform to the 2010 Census population shifts. Problem was, the district was surrounded by predominantly African Americans who usually vote Democratic. To protect Clarke’s rights, the Senate decided to move the already large district south into Madison County, which is fast growing and affluent. It created a district stretching more than 100 miles and running from Bolivar County, in the heart of Delta, to Madison, a heavily Republican Jackson suburb. Clarke was re-elected in the district in 2015. He is running for treasurer in New York State. Colton Thornton, Ermea Russell, Mark Buckner Sr. RuffinSmith, and Joseph Thomas are all qualified to run for District 22. Hayes Dent, Dwayne Smith and Dwayneself are the Republicans. Terrance Edison Jr. is an independent. The Democrats who qualified in District 13 are Carl Brinkley and Tony G. Anderson, Charles Modley. Sarita M. Simmons, John Marshall Alexander, and Charles Modley. B.C. B.C. Hammond is also running for District 13 as a Republican. Clarke defeated Thomas in the 2015 case