The state attorney general’s office brought the felony charges against Smith, 45, of Jackson, one day after misdemeanors were dropped. According to Attorney General Jim Hood, Smith, 45, was indicted by a grand jury on two felony counts. These include conspiring to prevent the prosecution of a criminal defendant. Jamie K. McBride was also indicted for conspiring with Smith to prevent a criminal prosecution. McBride’s indictment was also served Wednesday according to the court docket. McBride was not available immediately for comment. Jim Waide, Smith’s Tupelo attorney, stated that Smith was sent to Hinds County to receive the indictment. Smith was then released on his own recognizance. After Smith was dropped from misdemeanor charges on Tuesday, Waide stated that he knew it was coming. “I am just shocked they would charge him for felonies,” Waide stated. Smith was dropped from misdemeanor charges on Tuesday. Smith faces conspiracy to prevent prosecution in the firstdegree, which can lead to up to five years imprisonment and a $5,000 fine for each count. Smith could be dismissed from office immediately and barred from ever running again for public office if convicted. According to Hood’s news release, Smith was indicted by a grand jury on one misdemeanor charge of illegally aiding a criminal defendant. This is a violation state law. Agents from Hood’s office in June arrested Smith on six misdemeanor counts of illegally aiding two criminal defendants. Smith claimed he wasn’t guilty. Hood requested that the special Hinds County judge dismiss the charges. Hood’s office stated that he will pursue more serious charges by way of a grand jury. “As a former District Attorney, I have great respect for the hard work that our district attorneys do everyday to make Mississippi a safer state to live in. Hood stated Wednesday in a news release that they are my colleagues in fighting crime. “So it is not my pleasure to prosecute one among our own. A Hinds County grand jury has indicted Mr. Smith on charges of serious violations of the law, which hinder the criminal justice system’s ability to do its job. I hope that this case will be resolved fairly and quickly for the benefit of the citizens in Hinds County.” Smith was accused of conspiring with Ivon Johnson, former Assistant District Attorney, and other unnamed conspirators to prevent Christopher Butler from being prosecuted in four Hinds County Circuit Court cases. Based on the allegations that Smith met with Butler outside of Butler’s presence, discussed ways to weaken the state’s case against Butler, and tried to get Butler out of jail