Hood claimed that Republicans are giving away money in tax cuts that could be used to finance public education. They say they want government to be run like a business. Hood stated that they keep repeating this, but don’t run government like a business. Hood said, “If you want economic development, you need to increase your tax base so that you can help the education and poor areas. Hood made these comments as he spoke to students from Mississippi Press Corps Wednesday afternoon. They discussed state issues like education, brain drain and the opioid epidemic. Hood also talked about marijuana legalization and prosecution. The Speaker of the House Philip Gunn told Mississippi Press Corps students Tuesday that the State has spent more money on education over the past two years than ever before. The attorney general responded to the statement of the speaker by saying that those figures are inaccurate. Hood stated that the state hasn’t provided enough funding for education to keep pace with inflation and that statistics will be used by politicians to fool you. “Until you dig deeper, that’s a great answer. Hood stated that although Hood doesn’t know the exact inflation rate since the last teacher raise, they haven’t kept pace with other states’ funding. “So we’re just kind of dead in water, while other states are funding.” Republicans have supported charter schools. Lt. Gov. Gunn and Tate Reeves both said to the students that charter schools make it harder for low-performing schools to compete. Hood stated that charter schools may not be the best alternative to education funding but that he was willing to listen. Hood called the argument “a gimmick” Republicans use to distract attention from the fact that education isn’t being properly funded. Hood stated, “My argument is to pay teachers enough so that you attract teachers who can do better than what we are able to do right now.” “I believe if we properly fund education, we wouldn’t need those vouchers.” Gunn and Reeves have denied that Mississippi has a brain-drain problem. Although they acknowledge that more students are leaving Mississippi after college, Gunn and Reeves argue that many students didn’t intend to stay, particularly if they came from outside the state. Hood says that Mississippi has a brain drain problem. This is because students must move to higher-paying areas where they can pay off student debt, buy a house and car, and start a family. Hood believes that a free community college in every state would encourage students to stay. This is similar to what Tennessee offers. Hood is very concerned about the opioid epidemic in his state. Hood said that it is unlike any other epidemic, like the crack epidemic of the 90’s or the meth epidemic of the 2000’s. It can begin in a simpler way. It can begin with a child who is injured in a sports accident or who becomes addicted to opioids. Hood stated that he has tried to prevent, treat, and rehabe the opioid manufacturers. Hood believes prevention is the best way to end the epidemic. Hood also stated that many people who use opioids are suffering from underlying mental disorders. Hood stated that he had urged legislators for legislation to help those suffering from addiction. Hood also stated that manufacturers have violated the Consumer Protection Act, lying about how addictive their products are. Hood stated, “It haunts my how many children I’ve sent into the pen for dope since we didn’t have any other options and they had a mental disorder.” Hood said that he has sued the manufacturers and held them responsible for lying because you can’t lie. It’s a violation to our Consumer Protection Act bait and switch. Hood didn’t directly state whether he supports legalizing marijuana. However, he stated that he believes the millennial generation will eventually legalize it. Hood claims that the opioid crisis will have a direct impact on the speed at which Mississippi legalizes marijuana. Hood says studies show that marijuana can help opioid addicts wean off their addictions. Hood stated that Hood has in the past prosecuted marijuana users and sent them to jail. However, this process is not working. Hood believes that legalization of marijuana will be a good thing for Mississippi.