Democratic strategists are certain that Black voters will vote more this year than ever before in Mississippi’s history. It is not clear if Espy will be able to win broad support from the white voters of Mississippi, which have historically voted for conservative candidates like Hyde Smith. In recent days, Espy has largely focused his campaign messaging on white women. Over the past four years, Espy has seen white women from suburban areas flock to Democratic candidates like Espy. The past two years in Mississippi showed clear signs of this shift as Democrats performed well in suburban counties. Mississippi Today interviewed white women living in key cities and counties where Espy must win, and asked them why Espy was better than Hyde-Smith. Here is what they had to share. Gratia Karmes is a Starkville resident and retired social worker. “A senator should be for everyone. It’s more than just representing Black or white people. Mike Espy claims he will represent all people, even those who don’t vote for his cause. He is open to working with anyone who has good ideas. I don’t think there is anything more important. I am a recent Mississippi transplant. It’s not something that many people enjoy talking about, but it’s the new Mississippi. It’s not just those who live here. The Confederate symbol on the state flag was one of the things that bothered me the most. Cindy Hyde Smith opposed the change to the flag when it was being considered by lawmakers. That was the moment I realized I wouldn’t vote for her. Mike Espy spoke to me when he visited Starkville two weeks ago. I was impressed by what he said, especially about healthcare. Accessible, affordable healthcare for all is a huge deal to me. I am very concerned by the Trump administration’s attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act. “I worry about how it would affect me, and so many others in Mississippi.” Miranda Estes is a Hattiesburg resident, 24 year old graduate student. “I voted for Mike Espy because Mike is committed to making Mississippi a place where young people want and can stay. He speaks out about brain drain. I was tempted to leave Mississippi as a graduate student. I was tempted to leave Mississippi as a graduate student, but he went out of his way and tried to speak to young Mississippians. This shows that he is committed to making Mississippi a place that can provide a bright future. Cindy Hyde Smith has never even attempted to speak with our age group. I support voting for women of all races. She almost shies away from questions about her gender. Mike specifically stated that he supports women-owned companies and believes women should have a seat at the table. He works hard for this. It’s not just men that he has hired to work on his campaign. I feel valued not only as a millennial, but also as a woman. Cindy Hyde Smith doesn’t make me feel that way.” Molly Pittman (29 years old), Ocean Springs resident, and public school teacher. My background is unique because I was raised on Mississippi farmland. Our land was rented to cotton farmers. My family is mainly in public education and that is the path I chose. Eupora was a conservative small town where I grew up. It was often closed-minded about larger issues. Mike Espy is for all Mississippians. His plans for education, healthcare and agriculture are all about everyone in Mississippi. He is trying to make the state better for everyone who lives there. He doesn’t leave anyone behind and he doesn’t cater to just one group. His healthcare plan is great and he focuses on funding rural hospitals. My town has a large hospital. Although it’s small, the hospital serves a lot of people living in the area. If it went under, that could spell disaster for those who live there. I am also a big advocate for renewable energy. It is refreshing to hear him openly talk about wanting us to return into the Paris Agreement. “And, of course as a teacher I really like the fact that he wants public schools to be fully funded.” Michelle Dawson (61), Madison resident, retired civil servant. “I consider myself moderate. This is not the kind of relationship we have had. I want someone to make Mississippi a place that young people want to call home, rather than moving to greener pastures. These are the pastures I want. I want someone to support Mississippi, even though it means disagreeing with President Obama. This is not the situation we have. As a former civil servant, it is my desire to see good government restored. I am ready to meet with a responsive representative. Mike Espy is a better choice than Hyde-Smith. She doesn’t always tell the truth. She is not a good representative for us. She is not a good representative for us. “I’m ready to make a new start and I know Espy will give it to me.”
Amanda Koonlaba is a Saltillo resident and teacher. She is 39 years old. “I do a lot outside of the state and it makes my sick how people see us. People make assumptions about the state. I need someone who isn’t like that. Cindy Hyde Smith fits the old racist, white stereotype. For me, race issues are extremely important. My husband is Thai. My children are from Thailand and I can already see that they have had a completely different experience because of their brown skin. Every day, we have a conversation about whether Mississippi should be left. This state is my home and I wouldn’t mind moving. However, I worry that Cindy Hyde Smith and others will continue to be elected to our state. I am sorry but I don’t want someone who says things like “I’d sit in the front row at a public hanging.” People have said, “Oh well, that’s just a way of saying it.” But the truth is that this state is causing so much suffering. This only makes the suffering more severe. This stuff is real and you don’t see it because you live in a white bubble.” Dianne Walton, 72, Meridian resident and retired college administrator. Mike Espy is a man who works to get the things that Mississippi needs. He is able to work across the aisle which I believe will be more important. His opponent hasn’t been as open to discussing the issues. That speaks volumes about his position. His opponent is not willing to speak civilly or publicly about issues. That says a lot. My grandchildren are my priority. In the past, I have never put any political signs in my yard. It is so important to me that an Espy sign is placed in my yard. It’s essential that Mississippi receives the attention it deserves. That’s why (Hyde Smith) hasn’t happened.” Marissa Wyant, 40, Oxford resident and PhD candidate. “Cindy Hyde Smith has aligned with Trump and Mitch McConnell within the GOP, but they don’t seem like to have regular people in their minds. They did not take the time to determine COVID relief when they were confirmed by the Supreme Court. This is a huge deal. There are so many people without work. Low-income workers are the most affected in Mississippi. They don’t have any safety nets. They will need some kind of assistance to get through the pandemic. We should have been better prepared, but we were not. You must react quickly when it happens. I don’t believe the executive and current Senate have reacted in a timely manner. Cindy Hyde Smith is part of this. McConnell claims they won’t vote for COVID relief. While you might not be able to vote on COVID relief alone, it is possible to speak out and tell McConnell that this is wrong. Lauretta Prince is 39 years old and a former teacher. “I am a registered Democrat but I vote according to my feelings and not the party line. It is difficult in the South. There are many lines to be drawn and you may have to choose one side. It is important to understand where everyone is coming. So I have read a lot about the statements of both candidates. There must be a plan, regardless of whether you are talking about education or the coronavirus. Cindy Hyde Smith doesn’t seem to have a plan in many cases. Many of the answers she has given have been deferred to people above and below her. She believes local leaders should be responsible for certain issues, while other matters are handled by higher-ups. I would like to hear her say that, at least with these major issues the buck stops here. This is what it is. I don’t know how to do it. Barbara McCain, 69, Southaven resident and retired teacher. “Anyone who has attended public or state schools knows that education is the number one priority. I was a teacher in an inner-city school and saw the differences in the opportunities that students had than I did. He seems to understand the problems and needs of students from kindergarten through high school. He seems to be a good fit for rural schools. Mississippi can’t stay in Civil War. We have to move forward and he will be the one to do that. Cindy Hyde Smith did not support changing state flag. This was long overdue. She is white privileged and I see him to be someone who can understand the struggles of all Mississippians. Kristi Melancon (38 years old), Clinton resident, English professor. “I know from my work at a Christian institution that the biggest issue for Christian populations is whether or not candidates are pro-life. My view is that we cannot decide on an issue or a small portion of one issue in an election. Pro-life doesn’t only refer to the child in the womb. It also includes what happens after their birth, such as whether they have access healthcare and education. This is part of pro-life. Cindy Hyde Smith claims she is pro-life. However, she doesn’t explain what this means. Cindy Hyde Smith represents a past that has been supportive of racism and inequity to me. Espy recognizes that things like health disparities, educational disparities, and other problems are real problems that must be addressed in order for this state to move forward.” Lindsey Todd (35 years old), Biloxi resident, public school instructional coaches. Cindy Hyde Smith is not impressing me at all. She has not represented Mississippi the way I want it to be seen. Some of her comments have made us look terrible, which I don’t like. When it comes to policy, I prefer the vision and information that I have received from Espy over Cindy Hyde Smith. Recently, I was able to watch him sit down with educators. He seems to be able to see where we are at, particularly in relation to funding public schools and the teacher shortage. He actually has viable solutions to all of that. I like that he answers any policy question with a straight answer and not the politician’s spin. Jan Patrick, 76, Brandon resident, retired librarian. Cindy Hyde Smith has not been very effective, according to me. She hasn’t done anything. She has not had any impact on my life and I haven’t seen her do much to help Mississippi. Mike Espy is a great man. He is trustworthy and I agree with his views on healthcare. This is the most important issue for me. I am aware of what is happening in rural areas. Rural hospitals are closing. My husband has been trying for a doctor’s visit, but the earliest appointment he can get in February is impossible. Mike Espy is passionate about Mississippi’s progress in education and healthcare. We are better than that and Espy wants to help us move forward. Cindy Hyde Smith would be a step back, I believe. We don’t want backwards. We want to go forward.”