After earning his J.D. After receiving his J.D. from the University of Mississippi, Hood served as a clerk, assistant attorney general, and district attorney for the Mississippi Third Judicial District. Hood was well-known for his prosecution of cold cases involving civil rights-era murders during his early years as an attorney general. Hood was charged with the 2005 murder of Edgar Ray Killen, a former Klansman, in Philadelphia, Mississippi, during Freedom Summer. Hood, as attorney general, has been involved in legal aspects of Mississippi’s recovery after Hurricane Katrina. Hood joined Mississippi plaintiff attorney Richard Scruggs shortly after Katrina. They filed lawsuits against a number of high-profile insurers. Later, Scruggs was convicted of attempted bribery in federal court. Hood’s relationship to Scruggs has been criticized by his Republican rivals. Editor’s Note: Richard Scruggs, a Mississippi Today donor. Hood has also sued other companies out of state in areas like the pharmaceutical and tobacco industries. Hood claims that these suits have led to the recovery of over $3 billion. Hood considers himself prolife and has defended the state in numerous lawsuits arising from legislative decisions restricting abortion access. Hood’s office also has presided over numerous death penalty cases. Hood suggested that state executions should be allowed by firing squads, electrocutions, hangings, and nitrogen gas, when lethal injections drugs are not available. Hood is fifth-generation Mississippian, an avid hunter and outdoorsman. His wife Debbie has three children, Annabelle, Matthew, and Rebecca. You can read all of Mississippi Today’s coverage on Jim Hood. Get our #MSElex Voter Guide.