Delegate Kabir Karriem (D-Columbus) sponsored this session a bill to remove Lee’s Civil War celebration from the official list of state holidays. Alabama and Mississippi are the only states that pair Robert E. Lee holidays with Martin Luther King Jr. Karriem said that Mississippi Today did a disservice to Dr. King by celebrating Robert E. Lee the same day. “It’s 2019. It is time to review that legislation and get rid of Robert E. Lee Day. Let’s give Dr. King credit for being the historical figure that he is.” Mississippi is littered by Confederacy-related state-sponsored monuments. Confederate Memorial Day is also celebrated in Mississippi. Karriem plans to repeal the legislation. Confederate Memorial Day anchors Confederate Heritage Month. The last four governors signed it annually starting in 1993. The Confederate battle emblem is not included on the state flag. In recent years, dozens of Democratic legislators have attempted to alter the state flag. Republican leaders have not taken any of these bills to committee. Eight bills were filed this session to alter the state flag’s design. Four bills were filed to require entities that receive state funds to fly state flags and to penalize those who refuse. Four bills have been filed to require entities receiving state funds to fly the state flag.