Cleveland School District is now proposing to use facilities on both the east- and west sides of Cleveland in order to rethink its plan to close majority-black schools. Jamie Jacks, a Cleveland school board attorney, wrote to U.S. district Judge Debra Brown on Nov. 15, stating that the superintendent and board had been listening to concerns from the community, especially regarding the placement of all seventh through 12th graders at both the Margaret Green Junior High and Cleveland High campuses. Both campuses are located on the west side Cleveland. In court filings from the Justice Department, it was found that these schools had a significantly higher proportion of white students than the entire district. However, the student populations at the high school and middle school located on the east were almost entirely of black. The letter says that Superintendent Jacquelyn Thigpen proposed an alternative plan to Monday’s school board meeting. The plan would put all 6th-8th grade students on Margaret Green campus, all 9th-10th graders on East Side High campus and all 11th-12th graders at Cleveland High. The new proposal uses existing school facilities on both the east and west sides of the railroad tracks, which divide what was historically the predominantly white west side from the predominantly black east. This is the latest chapter in a long-running desegregation lawsuit against the district. Brown ordered that the district develop a plan for desegregation and set a timeframe to implement it. In the beginning, the board proposed that all students be housed in facilities on West Side of Town. This proposal was met with opposition by the community, especially African Americans. It would have cost nearly $3.6million to expand and improve those facilities. According to the U.S. Department of Justice it would have put “the entire burden of deeds on black students and their families.” Brown’s letter contains additional details about how students would be placed. The 9th and 10th grades campuses would allow for faculty and other resources to be grouped together in order to cater to the specific needs of students who must concentrate on certain courses to graduate. After passing the 9th and the 10th grades, students will be able to select from AP classes or Dual Credit at the CHS (Cleveland High School) campus, which would become the 11th – 12th grade school,” Jacks continued. Jacks informed residents Monday night that the board voted 4-1 in favor of the new plan. Tonya Short, a board member, voted nay. She declined to disclose details about the new plan until Justice Department and plaintiffs in the suit were informed. Jacks stated that “The District respectfully submits the new plan addresses all stakeholders in that it can be accomplished without borrowing funds, makes sense academically and honors East Side’s legacy and can happen within the next school term.” According to the letter filed on Tuesday, Jacks stated that the district would file the complete desegregation plan with court by Wednesday.