Trump won the Mississippi popular vote by a large margin. He received 58 percent of votes, compared to only 40 percent for Hillary Clinton. Although Mississippi law doesn’t require electoral college voters to vote in the same way as the popular vote, the Republican state party selected them and each of them had taken oaths swearing they would vote for Trump. On Monday, the six voters cast their official ballots in support of Trump without hesitation. The Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann certified the results and sent them to Congress. It is expected that Trump will be confirmed to the office by the new Congress in January. Reports have suggested that electors from other states may violate state laws and oaths to vote for Trump. Many hundreds of protestors gathered at various statehouses across the country to appeal to voters to vote for other candidates than Trump. About a dozen protestors, some holding signs and chanting in Mississippi, gathered at Hosemann’s Capitol Office shortly before the ceremony. Many crowded into the Capitol room to cast their votes. One protester shouted, “Write in Hillary Clinton!” after voters were given their ballots. Hosemann stated that each of the electors had taken an oath to vote the way their parties wanted. “We don’t have a firm obligation under our statutory code but they do take oaths… Everybody honored their pledge today.” Six voters were present: William Yates (chairman of Yates Construction); Joe Frank Sanderson (CEO of Sanderson Farms); J. Kelley Williams, former president of First Mississippi Corporation; Wirt Yerger Jr.; Ann Herbert, a member the state GOP executive board; and Charles Evers. Charles Evers is the brother of civil rights leader Medgar Evers. Evers, 94 years old, was the first to publicly support Trump in 2016. He replaced Brad White who was recently appointed chief of staff for U.S. Senator Thad Cochran. To avoid conflict of interest, White decided not to be an elector Monday. Evers stated that it was important for him to respect the law (which requires electoral voters to vote based on popular vote). “I was the one who voted for Trump. “I beat everyone in the room.” Hosemann stated that each elector receives $4 and $4 for every 20 mile traveled to reach the Capitol. This allows them to cast their vote.