Photos published in a British tabloid revealed partygoers at Governor’s Mansion on Wednesday night, doing the opposite to what Reeves ordered. They were seen huddled in close circles and not keeping six feet between them. Anne Hall Brashier (Reeves’ deputy strategy director) and Drew Snyder (recreation of the state’s Division of Medicaid), are included in the photos. They were both wearing masks and stood six feet from other guests. The COVID-19 statistics for Mississippi are continuing to break new records. State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs, and the health department, have advised Mississippians to avoid holiday gatherings that were not close to their families and avoid groups outside of school or work. They also warned that Mississippi hospitals are already overloaded due to the record-breaking number of pandemic cases. READ MORE: The governor is encouraging partying during the pandemic. Reeves states that mansion parties will follow COVID-19 orders. Reeves, who was seated next to Dobbs during Wednesday’s press conference, said that he respects state medical officers and considers them “confidants.” However, he doesn’t always agree. Reeves stated that he believes Mississippians desire some “normalcy” following the 10 month pandemic. He also said that holiday gatherings could be safely held. Reeves was asked why he held Christmas parties when medical experts recommended that Mississippians avoid them. He said that parties and tours at the mansion would “allow us send a message that you can return back to life as somewhat normal” after the pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Mississippi State Department of Health recommend that residents adhere to the following guidelines: “Wearing masks while in public places whenever it is impossible to maintain a minimum of 6 feet of social distance from persons not within the same household” and “maintaining at least 6 feet social distancing between persons not your household.”