/Senate sends its state income tax cut to House

Senate sends its state income tax cut to House

Senate Bill 3164 was passed by 40-11. It now heads to the House. Republican leaders want to abolish the income tax and not cut it. They have called the Senate plan a “token cut” and call for the Senate bill to be repealed. All Republicans voted in favor of the Senate measure, and all votes against were Democratic. Five Democrats voted yes. Josh Harkins (R-Flowood), Senate Finance Chairman, stated that the bill “doesn’t blow the budget”. This plan is very important. It doesn’t use one-time money to recurring expenses… I don’t believe anyone believes we are in stable economic conditions, with inflation at 7.7%. The Senate’s tax cut plan will cost $317 million per year plus $130 million for one-time. It would: A more comprehensive tax overhaul has been passed by the House. It would remove state income taxes from most taxpayers by 2023, phase it out completely within a decade, pending that the economy recovers enough to trigger “triggers”. It would also reduce the grocery tax from 7% to 4.5% and reduce car tags by using state tax dollars for local government car tag fees. The House plan would raise the sales tax on most retail products from 7% to 8.5%. Philip Gunn, the House Speaker, has been a champion of eliminating the state income tax for the past two years. He said that he hopes citizens will “just do the math” to see how much they can save by using the House plan as opposed to the Senate plan. A flyer was distributed by the House leadership recently that showed how taxpayers “Betty”, and “Jim,” who each make $40,000 per year, would benefit from each plan. Under the House plan, Betty would be able to save $1,513 per year. According to the flyer, Jim would receive approximately $260 under the Senate plan. But Lt. Governor. But Lt. Gov. While he voted in favor of the Senate plan Wednesday, Republican Senator Chris McDaniel from Ellisville spoke long Wednesday about how the Senate plan doesn’t go far enough. He also said that the House elimination plan is superior. McDaniel engaged in heated discussion with other Republicans during the floor debate, referring to the Senate plan as “half measures.” “… “I am not a moderate Republican… We just can’t seem to let goof a taxpayer’s dollar,” McDaniel said to Sen. David Parker. McDaniel spoke on the floor about Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy’s tax cuts that have helped the economy. McDaniel was told by Sen. David Jordan (D-Greenwood), that “you went back so far I thought you were going back to Hoover.” “Herbert Hoover let everything fall apart,” Jordan said. Bryan stated, “My people want roads that don’t have potholes.” “… Talk with your schools back home, and talk to the parents. Are they concerned about the school’s underfunding? Senator Daniel Sparks (R-Belmont) countered McDaniel and Bryan’s arguments against Senate plan. Sparks stated, “I respectfully disagree.” Sparks stated, “One wants to recklessly abolish the income tax. One believes now is not the right time to reduce taxes. I am both a Republican, and a conservative. Hosemann and Gunn both defended their plans Wednesday, but acknowledged that there should be room to compromise. However, neither Hosemann nor Gunn gave any specifics as to where this would take place.