There are many more. You get the idea. Snacks spends a lot of his day cleaning socks and jocks. Lee, a 22-year-old friendly, and smiling man, was a viral sensation when he won a 35-foot shot in a lopsided match at Jackson State. He fell asleep well that night, grateful that he was able to play for the JSU Tigers. He awoke the next day a viral sensation. You’ve probably seen the video by now. Lee takes the ball from almost half court and shoots a shot that lands in the net. The Jackson State players react like they just won the NCAA Championship. They jump around, hug their friends, and give them snacks. Rob Jay, JSU announcer, responded, “Right at top.” It was the most explosive night I have ever seen. It was pure love, the affection the players had for snacks. He is a very affectionate guy. Everyone loves Snacks.” There have been many March Madness championships without more enthusiasm. You must first get to know Thomas Lee. His love for Jackson State basketball dates back to his first grade year at six years old. Lee says, “I had been to some games and then i was at Walmart one morning and ran into some players.” “They invited me by the locker room to play the next game,” Lee says. The boy, who was a little boy, came with candy, mostly Skittles. He then gave the treats to his new friends. The scene was repeated so many times, that players gave him a nickname. Thomas Lee was named Snacks. Snacks continued to come to the games. After graduating from Provine High in nearby Provine, he knew exactly what he wanted to be doing and he achieved it. He was the Jackson State basketball coach. In an effort to increase attendance, JSU had a halftime promotion two years ago. For the spring semester, free attendance would be given to the first JSU student who made a half-court shot. Snacks was the perfect snack. He could have been a graduate last year, but he chose to continue at Jackson State for the job he loves and for a fifth. He doesn’t need the scholarship money anymore. Wayne Brent, JSU coach, put him on full scholarship for this school year. Snacks will be graduating in May with a degree as recreation administrator. Brent clearly loves Lee and says that he is only repaying Lee for the many hours of unselfish dedication to the JSU basketball team. Everyone who has ever played in sports knows the importance of team managers. They clean and dry uniforms, practice equipment and towels. They sweep and mop floors. They ensure that the Gatorade and water bottles are topped up. They tape their ankles. They do errands. They arrive at the gym early and depart late. It’s hard work. Snacks loves it. Vic Schafer, MSU women’s coach, said Monday at the C Spire Howell–Gillom Trophy luncheon that a good manager could make or break you. They are so crucial.” Snacks Lee was awarded a “Fan Favorite” trophy at the awards luncheon. He was just as popular as Reggie Perry who won The Howell Trophy and Rickea Jackson who won The Gillom Trophy. Snacks was more likely to sign autographs and pose for photos. Brent says that Snacks does more than just wash socks and jocks at JSU. Brent states, “He’s the best recruiter.” I won’t place someone with a player if we have someone in for a visit that we really want. They were given snacks. He has that personality. He is instantly your friend. He’s a great friend. We’ve been best friends since. He is a funny, great guy and will do whatever it takes to make you laugh. Many of us don’t have cars so Snacks drives us to where we need. Shelton said that Snacks is always there to help others. Shelton stated that Snacks beat some of the long-range shooting competitors. He made that shot by no accident. He practices.” He eats snacks. He’ll sometimes return to the court after his chores have been completed and the gear for the next day has been laid out and washed. When asked to share something that people don’t know about Shelton, Shelton replied, “Snacks, a very talented musician.” He can play the organ or piano. He is really, really good. He performs at local churches and other events. He even has his own band.” Thomas and Friends plays around campus and at local churches. Snacks could probably make a living from music, but that’s not his plan. He says, “I want to coach Basketball.” He says, “That’s what I love.” He plans to search for a job as a graduate assistant. Brent believes that he will. Brent believes he will. Snacks was much more popular than the players of the home team when Jackson State went on its Alabama road trip last week. He signed autographs before and after the games and took photos. Rob Jay says, “That just does not happen in the SWAC.” Alcorn State was defeated by Jackson State 69 to 52 Tuesday night at JSU. This was in the quarterfinals for the SWAC Tournament. The Tigers led by 20 in the final quarter, and the crowd chanted: “We want snacks!” Snacks entered to applause after 28 seconds. The Tigers attempted to pass the ball to Snacks but were unsuccessful. Alcorn athletic director Derek Horne chuckled, “Clearly, we were going guard him if he didn’t guard anybody else.” Snacks took a falling-away, off-balance shot that was badly missed. He smiled broadly when the JSU team stood to play the alma mater. Snacks said that it was “just felt good to get out here one last time.” He also signed scores of autographs and was happy to pose for photos with anyone who asked. He said, “It was very unique.” Managers don’t get this kind of support. It’s very rare for fans and players to rally behind a manager like that.”