The state’s Division of Medicaid is prohibited from paying Planned Parenthood. In March, the Senate approved its version. The Senate passed its version in March. The House version of the bill will be sent back to the Senate to get concurrence. This measure was created in response to the 2015 national anti-abortion protests that saw Planned Parenthood officials discuss the procurement of fetal tissues. Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden were later charged with videotaping Planned Parenthood officials. “The last thing that I want to do, is stand before God with blood on my hand,” Rep. Tracy Arnold (R-Booneville), said during Tuesday’s debate about the bill. He was referring to his opposition against abortion. Mississippi only has one Planned Parenthood Clinic, in Hattiesburg. It does not perform abortions. Opponents of this bill claim that defunding Planned Parenthood is nothing more than political posturing. They cite the fact that $544 was paid to Planned Parenthood by the state last year. “This is the largest much ado over nothing I’ve ever seen all year, and we’ve had a lot more much ado over nothing,” stated Rep. Steve Holland (D-Plantersville), a former chair of the Public Health Committee.