OXFORD — Abby Bruce, Ole Miss sophomore, sat across from Clay Wooley, the president of Sigma Chi fraternity, five days after she posted a Facebook post alleging sexual harassment at the fraternity. Bruce and Wooley were able to access a Google document that contained pages of ideas about changing campus’ gender discrimination climate. Bruce and Wooley met Tuesday night and Wednesday night, mostly under the radar of the administration, fraternities, and sororities that were publicly discussing this issue. They also met with Alexis Smith, a sophomore, as well as Wooley’s friend Taylor Treece (a junior). They explained that they created the informal group in order to benefit from the conversations that arose following Friday’s incident. Smith stated that it was about maintaining the conversation and not letting it go, especially during the summer. “There has to be students who are committed to being leaders in the movement and continue pushing for it forward, and there have to be students who are very dedicated.” Bruce wrote the post Saturday morning after leaving Friday’s dance competition for Derby Days. This annual philanthropic event sees sororities competing against each other in a variety of activities. She stated that she and other female students were too upset by the inappropriate questions asked to sororities women to continue attending the event. Her post was shared more than 1000 times on Facebook by Saturday afternoon. Although Bruce and Wooley might seem unlikely allies, Bruce stated that she posted her Saturday post in an effort to change the Greek system’s climate, not destroy it. Wooley said that he is eager to address all of these issues. Many people are shocked that I don’t just want to sweep it under a rug. Wooley stated that she didn’t want people stopping talking about it. “I have been smiling this morning for the first times since Friday. It’s because I believe we’re going to do something about it.” Some students are less optimistic that change will occur in a male-dominated dynamic, which they claim is as old as Greek life. Many students were shocked to hear or see fraternity members harassing female classmates in public, but few were surprised by the fact that harassment does occur. Every class heard stories from females about fraternity brothers making sexually suggestive remarks through car windows, or at fraternity parties. They also told of how they were made to feel uncomfortable by a male friend who made offensive comments to them. Courtney Elliott, a freshman, said that sexual harassment is part and parcel of our culture. “I believe that’s why many girls don’t choose to join sororities,” Bruce stated. It is not a single case. According to the office for student affairs, approximately 35 percent of Ole Miss students are members of fraternities or sororities. Many administrators and students recognize that their influence is stronger than the minority of students would think. Treece, who isn’t a member of a fraternity, said that he doesn’t believe they do a great job as the largest voice on campus. “I don’t think they do an excellent job as the largest voice, and I think we can change this as a group.” Many students and faculty were familiar with the truth behind the Derby Days incident. Three Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity members were arrested in February 2014 for hanging a noose around the neck of James Meredith statue on campus. Meredith was the first student of color to be admitted to the university. Some university officials said that the school was better equipped to handle sensitive racial issues such as the decision not to remove the state flag. Student senators voted 33-15 in October to remove the banner from the university because it contained the confederate emblem. Dr. Charles Eagles from Ole Miss’ history department said, “It had positive impact.” Treece stated that everyone, especially those in the administration, are more aware of an issue like this when it gets negative publicity. However, Treece stressed that each event should be taken advantage of individually. Although I believe the flag being taken down brought the campus together in a special way, it was only temporary. Treece stated that Treece didn’t believe there was much longevity to it. Treece said, “I don’t believe we need incidents such as the James Meredith sculpture to understand basic human rights. That’s why we are meeting now. “Regardless of whether the university uses this moment, students definitely are.” Faculty members warned that it would take more than one bad publicity incident to change a Greek culture as old as the university. “Did I find this surprising? No. Are you disappointed? Yes,” Carrie V. Smith, a psychologist who taught a class on gender and Greek culture last semester, said. “It’s not surprising that I don’t try hard to find topics to discuss when I go to teach this class. There is a reason that gender and the Greek system are at this confluence. I’m not sure if this is the right answer. Could it be better? Smith said yes. Smith said that the university administration is trying to use the opportunity to create a safe space for women in fraternities. Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs Brandi HEPNER LABANC called students from the Interfraternity Council and presidents of all IFC fraternities, to a meeting at 7 AM Wednesday. She gave them a list of issues that the administration had asked each fraternity address by the end of the school year. Hepner Labanc stated that although the university can provide guidelines, she believes the responsibility for bringing about change rests with students. It was looking at the generality of what I see coming out fraternity events. Hepner Labanc stated that although there has been some bad behavior, it is not something they are interested in. “So I explained to them that I am taking a leap in faith. I trust you all, and I pray that my approach doesn’t make me look smug. Wooley admitted that one of the group’s priorities would be to make significant changes to the system, perhaps by opening up the competition to students or fraternities outside the Greek system. Bruce acknowledged that the current structure where sororities compete for one fraternity’s benefit, is inherently unbalanced. Bruce began typing into the Google Doc. Wooley then went to the dry erase board to create another list of fraternity-specific issues. Bruce stated, “As we talk, I’m having difficulty visualizing how we can make changes to our culture, while also changing Derby Days.” “But that being said, I’m not disappointed if it can happen.” To support this important work, you can make a recurring gift today to celebrate our Spring Member Drive. Our reporters give a human face to policy’s impact on everyday Mississippians by listening more closely and understanding their communities. To ensure that our work is aligned with the priorities and needs of all Mississippians, we are listening to you. Click the button below to let us know what you think.