/Tax collections strong in final report before decision on teacher, state employee pay hike

Tax collections strong in final report before decision on teacher, state employee pay hike

Friday’s February report by the Legislative Budget Committee shows that collections have increased by $110.6 Million, or 3.35 Percent, over the same period last year. The tax collections for February are $109.1 million (3.93%) higher than the estimated for the year, and $44.5 million (15.5%) more than the monthly estimate. This estimate represents how much money was appropriated by the Legislature in the 2018 session to fund the current budget year. It is vital. Legislative leaders often meet in the late hours of the session to review the budget estimate for the current fiscal and the upcoming fiscal years. Given the strong February tax collections, it is likely they will meet to discuss increasing the estimate. Buck Clarke (R-Hollanddale), Senate Appropriations Chair, stated earlier this session that it would be difficult to give a pay increase for state employees if the revenue estimate is not raised. Many of these workers have not received a raise in over a decade. John Read, R. Gautier, House Appropriations Chairman, stated that he wants to give raises to both teachers and state employees, regardless of the revenue estimate being raised. Read stated that he doesn’t know if legislative leaders will meet to raise the revenue estimate. He said, “That is beyond my pay grade.” According to economists, there could be a downturn in the next year. I’ve been around for a while. I’ve seen the roller coaster. “But I am extremely thankful for what we currently have. “Don’t get me wrong,” the February report shows that use tax, primarily the 7.5% tax on items purchased outside of the state, continues to rise. It rose $33.4 million or 18.7 % for the year. Since 2017, when the state began collecting the 7 percent tax for online purchases, use tax collections have grown. The strong year for corporate tax collections is also a boost to $46 million, or 23.1 percent. The state’s largest revenue source, the sales tax on retail products, was up $35.4million or 2.8 percent. Tax on personal income was the second-largest source of revenue at $663,638, or.06%. The revenue from casino gambling, which has been added to the mix since August, was $6.4 million, or 7.86 percent.