When calculating the cost of a special legislative session, there are many factors to consider. The usual $140 per day plus $75 per day would be paid to lawmakers. They would also be reimbursed for their travel to Jackson and home. They are also eligible for stipends to help with FICA taxes or retirement. The state would pay an additional $47674 per day if the special session lasted more than one day. This does not include travel costs that were calculated into the one day session. House clerks and Laura Hipp (spokeswoman for the Lt. Governor) shared these numbers with Mississippi Today. Tate Reeves. Bryant’s office announced Friday that Bryant may call a special session to balance the state’s fiscal year 2016, which ended June 30. Bryant has been reviewing June’s revenue numbers every day to determine if a dip in reserve funds is necessary to balance any fiscal shortfalls. “After reviewing the most recent revenue collections, Gov. Clay Chandler, Bryant’s spokesperson, said that Bryant had created a contingency plan which includes a special session Tuesday if necessary. He will make his final decision Monday morning. Any special session would only be used to close out fiscal year 2016.” If the state does not bring in $725 million to $750 million in revenue, which would be a record for the state, it would cause a serious imbalance in the state’s budget. The governor’s best option is to tap into the state’s Rainy Day Fund. Bryant has already pulled $45.2million from the Rainy Day Fund in this fiscal year to offset lower than expected revenue. However, Bryant only has the legal authority for $50 million per fiscal years from that fund. The Legislature would need to approve the special session if more than $4.8million is required from the Rainy Day Fund to balance the budget. Many Democratic leaders, as well as some Republicans, have publicly called for a special session in order to address budget concerns not only for the current fiscal year, but also for the next fiscal year. Bryant’s office stated that the potential special session next week would only address the current fiscal years. Bryant has called five special sessions since he was elected governor in 2012. The most recent session was held during the regular session to approve a tax package which would bring the Continental Tire plant in Hinds County to the Gulf Coast and a shipbuilding facility to the Gulf Coast. In 2014, he called two to obtain approval for disaster relief after a tornado outbreak. He also wanted to increase state road funding. In 2013, he called two to discuss the 2013 budget and to approve a tax package that would benefit West Point’s Yokohama tire factory. This report was contributed by Zachary Oren Smith, Mississippi Today reporter._x000D