Rodney Bennett of Nonprofit Mississippi News, the University of Southern Mississippi’s First Black President, announced his intention to resign in June 2023. Bennett said in an email to campus that he is ready to leave to allow another person to take the next step in the Southern Miss Story. Bennett, 55, stated that he will be exploring new opportunities in the spring. Bennett stated that he would work closely with the Institutions of Higher Learning Board of Trustees in order to “develop a solid transition plan.” He wrote, “I am excited for what lies ahead for myself and my family, but it will be bittersweet.” In 2013, USM was in financial trouble and Bennett was chosen by the Institutions of Higher Learning Board of Trustees to lead it. According to Gulf Life, Bennett minimized the significance of his appointment. Bennett stated that he didn’t know the message that it sent, but that he did not believe that any barriers or labels that others may place on him, would stop him from pursuing his dream. Bennett stated that “Race was not going to be an obstacle for me.” He began his resignation email listing the achievements of USM under his administration, including “facilitating tremendous growth all across the Mississippi Gulf Coast” and “stabilizing the University’s overall financial situation.”