Hyde-Smith stated that “you’re not hearing anybody talking about the borders anymore,” to a crowd of 150 at a Madison County Republican Women event at The Range by Jimmy Primos, Gluckstadt. “We must win this election. Talking about open borders, lawlessness, civil unrest, it is easy to see an America we don’t recognize. I encourage you to keep asking your friends and to continue being engaged. We are now 27 days away. It’s been a privilege to represent you. I have a great staff here in D.C. and it’s so exciting to see them all out there. Hyde-Smith stated, “We need a conservative fighter for this seat.” Hyde-Smith stated, “We need someone that can stand for unborn children and somebody that can protect our gun rights by supporting the Second Amendment.” We need someone that understands Mississippi rural healthcare and all that it entails.” Hyde Smith, who is running for a seat most prognosticators consider safe Republican in one the reddest states in America, has not done much public campaigning and declined to debate former U.S. Rep. Mike Espy. Hyde-Smith stated this week in comments to WJTV: “We still have 27 days. A debate is the last thing that worries me. Why would we place so much emphasis on a debate when there are such stark differences? “… I don’t think a lot would be changed.” Hyde Smith defeated Espy in 2018 special elections to fill the term of longtime Senator Thad Cochran. Phil Bryant temporarily appointed Hyde Smith to the seat. Hyde-Smith, a former state agriculture commissioner and a former senator from the state, was a Democrat during much of her time in Congress before switching to the Democrats in 2010. Hyde-Smith spoke Wednesday to the media and the crowd about the Senate confirmation of Trump Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Let me tell you something about Amy Coney Barrett. She is incredible. Hyde Smith stated that she met with her last Wednesday. “… It’ll be so enjoyable to come back and be able go through the hearings that begin Oct. 12. Hyde-Smith stated that “She will have a tough, difficult time.” This family will have a difficult, tough time. They tell us that it will be worse than Kavanaugh (confirmation hearings). It can’t be worse than Kavanaugh, I think. She is strong, however. She is a strong woman. I wish she could be here tonight to witness all the strong women that I am looking at.” Hyde-Smith stated about Trump: “He has been unfairly attacked each day since he assumed office. The crowd at The Range was pleased with Hyde-Smith’s performance on Wednesday. Laurie McCarthy, president Hinds County Republican Women, said that she thought Hyde-Smith had done a great job. “She’s done a lot good stuff.” Kathy Henry with the Rankin County Republican Women said that Cindy Hyde-Smith was one of the most hardworking women she’s ever met. My daughter works in D.C. for her in healthcare. She was on the phone immediately to the hospitals during the pandemic. “Ted Nugent reporting to duty …”,” the Motor City Madman stated. We know that there is a party which stands for God, family and country, freedom, and the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and today — more than ever — law, order, and God. There is also a party that hates all of that stuff and they are making it very obvious. Big Salute to Gov. Tate Reeves and Sen. Cindy Hyde Smith, Congressman Michael Guest (and Kenny Griffis) are all shaming.”