He recalls his trip to town and the “massive blooming crepe myrtles” he saw. New Orleans-based realtor for historic properties had been to Natchez several times before but never during peak blooming season — a “magical sight.” He saw more every day. Each conversation was filled with intriguing details about crepe murder, crepe myrtle campaigns and crepe myrtle archives. He was completely captivated. He was captivated.
gathered for Lake St. John Flotilla. Gemmell, Adams County Master Gardener and archives keeper, believed so for many years. She said, “Somebody just has to do it.” So, with support and enthusiasm from master gardeners, the city and more, Patout founded the festival, with Gemmell and chef/author/proprietor Regina Charboneau as co-chairs. June 21-22 is the Natchez International Crepe Myrtle Festival. The festival’s inaugural event honors Sallie B. (1926-2017), who in 2000 planted 2,000 crepe myrtles at Natchez. This greatly increased the city’s stock. Donna Maselli was the daughter of Sallie Ballard, a woman of action. She was skeptical about her mother’s goal to make Natchez the “crepe myrtle capital” of the world. Maselli says that her mother was active in raising money for the city and overseeing the planting of hundreds of crepe myrtles. She called the mayor every time a new road or throughway was constructed to tell him to plant crepemyrtles. “My mother was able to ‘advise’ without expecting a reply, except for ‘Yes Sallie.’ She wasn’t content with just working the phone. She was a gardener. Maselli says, “When I say that my mother was a gardener I mean that she did yard work.” “Hard stuff. Weeding, planting, mulching. Hauling, digging, transplanting. Nothing made her happier than spending a whole day in her garden, in the heat, and enjoying a cold beer at its end. She was well into her 80s and still doing yard work that would make a 20-year old faint. Rosia Lee Williams, her trusted sidekick, was able to stop her from planting crepe myrtles all over the city. Ballard, who was surrounded by Natchez white and watermelon-colored crepe myrtles, died April 2017.
Natchez Indians), and what is believed to be the second-oldest magnolia in the state. Basil Maselli is to be credited for Maselli’s obsession with crepe myrtles. His dream car, a green Thunderbird coupe, was parked in front. After a thunderstorm, the blossoms began to pour in. He declared that the trees must go. There was much grumbling, but my mother was well aware of her struggles and this was not one. The trees were taken down. Ballard was distraught, but he was patient. Ballard found a garage out back and arranged for the Thunderbird to be housed there. “After that she was in front the house, digging holes, and planting… crepe myrtles,” Patout says of Ballard. She was a Natchez resident for over 50 years and was the mother of Glen Ballard, songwriter/producer. She was also a bus tour guide, showing off the city to Lady Bird Johnson and Robert Mondavi, as well as a passionate community leader and supporter. Mimi Miller, Historic Natchez Foundation executive vice-director emeritus, says that Sallie was “indomitable”. Ballard was so passionate about volunteering that she would take homemade coconut cakes to people who were willing to host pilgrimage tours. She was a volunteer at the Great Mississippi Balloon Race and helped with T-shirt sales up until her 89th birthday, when she watched others from her wheelchair. Miller recalls that Ballard was in her 80s when she spoke at the dedication. She encouraged the crowd with the slogan “One Natchez.” This mission was one of many crepe myrtle mass-plantings in Natchez. Gemmell explains that crepe myrtle plantings were organized in homes by ladies of the Natchez Garden Club in the 1940s. When (now Natchez Mayor) Darryl Grennell was Historic Natchez Foundation president,
Ballard inspired him to raise money for plants and add a few hundred to his inventory. Gemmell started his Adams County Master Gardeners project in 2011. It tended to main roads with tender care and added 150 trees. This effort was inspired by the Natchez Trails initiative of Community Alliance of Natchez–Adams County, which added hundreds of Natchez white crepe myrtles to the riverfront and Broadway Street. The Community Alliance planted more along St. Catherine Street. Gemmell has counted 1,400 crepe myrtles within Natchez’s historic 10- to 12-block district. Master Gardeners used inmate labor to scale the trees. “My garden club in green and white stripes pants… such nice men.” A riot of color brightens the city and carpets the sidewalks after rain. They flower all summer. They are a reason to go. The crepe myrtle festival organizers see it as a tourism opportunity similar to the National Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington, D.C. and New England’s fall foliage tours. Visitors can enjoy the stunning blooms by foot or car, but there are several events that offer free or inexpensive opportunities to toast the blooms and share information. Crepe Crawl (walk), 6-9:00 p.m. on June 21 offers the chance to stroll along Natchez’s “open
Container route”: Start at Natchez Architectural and Art Discoveries, 515 Main St. (also known for Crepe Myrtle central for the weekend), and take a self-guided walk. $20 includes two wristbands and 2-for-1 deals at participating restaurants. The Downtown Natchez Farmers Market will be open from 8 a.m. until noon on June 22. It will feature crepe myrtle trees, live music, fresh produce and baked goods. The Historic Natchez Foundation, at 108 South Commerce St., will host free lectures and workshops from 9 a.m. until noon on June 22nd. The speakers include Rita Tebbetts, master gardener, who will demonstrate proper care and pruning of trees. Blake Layton Jr., Mississippi State University’s entomology expert, will give a talk about the crepe myrtle Bark Scale. You can also visit Crepe Myrtle Gardens around the city (maps are at Crepe Myrtle Central), including Natchez City Cemetery and Duncan Park. Book signings will be held at Regina’s Kitchen (including Charboneau’s new, “Natchez Style”) from 2-4 p.m. A self-guided tour of the garden with Bloody Mary Historic Inn & Gardens ($8 per person) 2-4 p.m. Crepe Myrtles have been a Natchez since the early 1900s
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As their population has increased, their pride has also grown. It’s a blooming spectacle, Patout says, “powerful enough for me to feel comfortable inviting the world to this.” Find more festival details at visitnatchez.org.