Rankin County Administrator Laura Oster stated that Carter had the following qualifications in a statement to Mississippi Today: “As a banker Mr. Carter has significant fiscal and financial management experience, skills which will serve the interests citizens of Rankin County, as well as our regional air authority and surrounding communities. Oster stated that the Rankin County Board of Supervisors was pleased to have a person of Mr. Carter’s integrity, experience, and background willing to take on this crucial role of service. Jackson Medgar-Wiley Evers Airport, which is located in Rankin County but sits on Jackson’s land and has been controlled by him, is situated there. Madison County has recently appointed Brig, a retired air guardsman. Gen. Bob Matthews is the county representative on the board. It is not clear if either of these men will be seated on the board in the near future. Members of the existing airport board that the new authority would replace have threatened to sue to stop the law being implemented. Jackson officials claim that the new board amounts to an illegal takeover of city assets and seizure, and have threatened to join the litigation to stop the new authority. The Federal Aviation Administration’s entry in the Federal Register last week was used by city and airport officials to prove that the state can not change the management of the airport. The agency’s federal registry entry states that “State or local legislative action or a judiciary action… may seek changes in an airport’s ownership or governance, or operations. Only the FAA has authority to determine sponsor eligibility and to approve or formally modify airport sponsorship. It can also approve and issue a new airport operating certificate. “The FAA has the statutory obligation to ensure an airport sponsor/operator can assume all grant assurances and safety compliance and has the expertise and ability to operate the airport.” It also advises states and local governments contemplating legislation to change the owners of airports to work with the current sponsor or seek technical assistance from FAA. Jefferey Sallworth, a Jackson resident, has filed a federal lawsuit over the matter. The legislation’s sponsors argued that the airport was a regional asset and should therefore be managed by representatives from all three counties. The authority would include Madison and Rankin representatives. It also includes the head of Mississippi Development Authority and the adjutant general Mississippi National Guard. The governor could name two additional members to the board. However, they must reside in Jackson. The Jackson mayor would be the first to be selected. He would also serve a one year term as the Jackson City Council. Mayor Tony Yarber stated through a spokesperson that Jackson would not appoint members to the unconstitutionally established board, which was intended to take away the voice and sacrifices made by the Jackson taxpayers. One pick would be made by the lieutenant governor, who would serve a 5-year term. Lt. Governor spokeswoman. Tate Reeves stated that he was reviewing his choices and would make an appointment when it is convenient. To support this important work, you can make a regular donation to the Spring Member Drive today. Our reporters give a human face to policy’s impact on everyday Mississippians by listening more closely and understanding their communities. To ensure that our work is aligned with the priorities and needs of all Mississippians, we are listening to you. Click the button below to let us know what you think.