Initial numbers indicate that despite record enrollment at four-year universities and colleges in the state, enrollment at junior and community colleges is down this academic year. The enrollment at East Central Community College, Decatur fell almost 9 percentage points from 2,602 on October 10, 2015 to 2,379 the same day in 2015. Meridian Community College saw a 6.4 percent increase in enrollment, going from 3,388 students to 3,606. The state’s largest community college, Hinds, saw an increase of just over one percent. Kell Smith, a Community College Board spokesperson, stated that since the Great Recession, which saw record enrollments, the number of students attending classes at community colleges has begun to normalize. “Furthermore about 70% of community college students are enrolled academic programs that will permit them to transfer into a university to further their education,” Smith said. Smith also highlighted the rise in high school students who take dual credit and dual enrollment classes. He explained that these students have significant hours on their transcripts once they complete their high school degree and can then transfer directly to university. Soraya Welden, Meridian Community College Dean for Student Services, said that the 6 percent increase in percentage points is mainly due to part-time students as well as those who are enrolled in the dual enrollment/dual credits program. Dual credit and dual enrollment allow high school students to complete college courses while still in high school. MCC’s dual credit program saw an increase in enrollment from 282 to over 400 students last year, in a school with approximately 3,600 students. Welden stated that their full-time student population increased by 2 percent. There was a decrease in enrollment at 11 of the 15 community colleges. This ranged from.2 % at Southwest to 8.6 % at East Central. The overall drop in community college and junior college students was just under 1%. Fall 2016 enrollment in community colleges Coahoma: 0.8%, 2,191 students CoLin: 2.2 percent; 3,075 students East Central, – 8.6 per cent, 2,379 Students East Mississippi: -6 percent; 4,261 students Holmes: – 1.3 percent Meridian: + 6.4%, 3,606 student MS Delta: – 4.4%, 2,372 Students MS Gulf Coast, – 3.7%, 2,372 students MS Gulf Coast, -.7 percent, 3,60625 students Southwest: -0.25%, 1,89725 students
189725 Southwest: –0.2 percent