In the early 1990s, Bryant was a Rankin County legislator and co-authored a bill to increase penalties for school gun owners. The text of House Bill 319 from the 1992 regular legislative session states that “It shall not be illegal for any person to conceal pistol or revolver at any public schools premises or at any school district sponsored event regardless of whether he or she has a permit to bear a weapon pursuant the provisions of this subsection.” The bill, which measures 11 pages in length, would have increased penalties for deadly weapon use to an already existing state law. The 1992 legislation would have provided for a one year prison sentence, $1,000, or both, “for any person convicted pursuant to this section if the offense took place on any public school campus, or any activity sponsored or directed by public schools or the entire district.” Ten legislators were sponsors of the bill which was killed in a House committee. In an interview with Mississippi Today on Thursday, Bryant stated that the legislation was intended to protect schools against harm. Bryant said that while he would have to look at the bill again, he believes that anyone bringing a weapon onto campus with the intent of harming someone should be stopped. Bryant said that the bill was intended to prevent someone from doing something wrong. But he did not include any provision regarding intent. It would have provided stricter penalties for anyone, including concealed carry permit holders, who carries a weapon on a school campus. The governor’s office didn’t respond to a request for clarification on what the governor stated and what was in the bill. National conversations about gun rights and school safety rekindled after the shooting at Parkland High School in Florida, which saw 17 people killed. On Tuesday, a Senate committee passed a bill that allows teachers to be trained in carrying guns on school campuses. The sponsor, Senator Briggs Hopson (R-Vicksburg), called it “another tool to help ensure our children’s safety, teachers and staff.” All state law enforcement agencies support the Senate proposal. Bryant, who was a former Hinds County Sheriff’s deputy, strongly supports the Senate bill. Todd Kemp, president and sheriff in Clarke County, stated that while a badge or a gun are essential for protecting children, training is more important. “My greatest fear is that a teacher gets into an altercation and takes the gun from them. Bryant spoke out in support of arming teachers with President Donald Trump at The White House. He posted a series tweets that supported the idea of arming some teachers as well as administrations. Bryant spoke to Mississippi Today on Thursday, saying that if school personnel can be trained and have some background in law enforcement or military service, then I believe it’s important that they have the capability to defend themselves with a weapon. Bryant has tweeted several times about the topic this week, including a tweet that said: “Whether to participate in this process would be completely up to school leaders. This isn’t a one-size fits all solution. This allows schools to make the decisions that are best for student safety. Bryant also spoke at the White House session with governors about Mississippi’s 1997 school shootings. A 16-year old shot himself to death and wounded seven other students at Pearl High School. Bryant stated that a vice principal who was an Army Reserve officer went to his vehicle and retrieved his 1911.45 to stop the shooter from killing other children in Pearl, Mississippi. According to a Washington Post report, Bryant also said. “That was the idea that I believed in when I heard you talk about it. Find the Army Reserve vice principal, give them the training they need, and arm him to stop this madness. Joel Myrick, who is an Army Reserve vice-principal, stated in a New York Times story that he believes that armed guards should be placed in schools, but that he doesn’t think that arming teachers is a wise idea. Bryant’s 1992 legislation made no provision for school staff or trained guards. Bryant has maintained his support for gun rights, as well as opposition to gun control, since 1992. Bryant’s office released a statement in December 2012 after a gunman shot dead 20 children and six adults in Newtown. It stated that the governor and first lady were praying for the victims. Bryant opposes any limitation of the rights to arms as protected under the Constitution of the United States of America.” Federal officials, including former President Barack Obama, discussed tightening gun access, including semi-automatic military weapons like the AR-15 that Adam Lanza used to kill. Bryant stated that he supports background checks but did not support limiting access to certain types of guns. He told the Clarion-Ledger at the time that criminals would still be able to get assault weapons. Bryant stated to the Clarion-Ledger that self-protection is possible, and that you should have as much firepower as necessary to protect your family. Bryant, who was elected governor in 2016, has been close to the National Rifle Association and strongly supported legislation that is pushed by the national gun lobby. The NRA backed the Church Protection Act, a 2016 bill. NRA supported the Church Protection Act, a 2016 bill. This was to cover an expansion of Mississippi’s state law that allows open carry. Bryant signed the bill with a picture of his handgun on a Bible. Bryant has received less than $10,000 in political contributions from NRA. He has also been endorsed and promoted by many people. The NRA endorsed Bryant in the 2011 and 2015 gubernatorial elections. He has also received numerous NRA awards, including “Defender of Freedom” by the NRA. In a 2015 press release, the NRA stated that Mississippi had “significantly reformed its laws in order to affirm our Second Amendment freedoms” and gave law-abiding citizens more legal protection options. Mississippi’s Senate will vote on Wednesday on legislation that allows guns to be allowed in schools. To support this important work, you can make a regular donation to the Spring Member Drive today.