Originally written to prevent Black Mississippians voting, the constitutional provision prohibits people convicted of certain felonies being allowed to vote, unless their suffrage rights have been restored by a two thirds vote in both chambers of Congress or a gubernatorial Pardon. Nick Bain (Republican from Corinth), who is the House Judiciary B Chair, stated that many courts have already restored voting rights to people whose crimes were expunged during the session. He stated that he believed that was the original intent. The bill that he presented during the 2022 session simply “clarified”, that all judges should grant the right to vote to people whose crimes have been expunged. Reeves, however, vetoed Friday’s “clarifying” language. In his veto message to the Legislature, Republican Reeves stated that felony disenfranchisement was an animating principle in every great republic since the founding of ancient Greece or Rome. Reeves said that such laws in America date back to the colonial period and the eventual founding our Republic. “Since statehood in some form, Mississippi law has recognized the felony disenfranchisement.” Mississippi, which is less than 10 states, places a lifetime ban upon voting for anyone convicted of certain felonies, unless the Legislature or governor takes action. Most states allow citizens to return their right to vote after they have completed their sentence. A Mississippian can have his vote restored by the legislative process, but it is rare and difficult. Each year, less than five people are able to navigate the maze of Mississippi’s legislative process and regain their voting rights. Five people were restored their voting rights by the Legislature when they approved five suffrage laws during the session of 2022. READ MORE: The Mississippi Senate defeated 19 House bills to restore voting rights to 2021. In the 1890s, Mississippi’s Supreme Court ruled that the disfranchisement for felons was included in the Constitution to “obstruct” the exercise of the franchise by negro races by targeting “the offenses to, which its weaker members are prone to.” A lawsuit challenging the constitutionality said that the intention of the provision was identical to the poll tax, literacy test, and other Jim Crow-era provisions. Bribery, theft and arson are the crimes that would result in a person losing their right to vote. These were the crimes that 1890 framers thought African Americans were more likely than white Americans to commit. In 1968, the disenfranchising crimes of murder and sexual assault were added. Even today, a person can be convicted of writing bad checks and lose their right to vote. However, they could also be convicted and sent to prison as a major drug kingpin and be allowed to vote. The Legislature has not allowed the public to vote on whether an easier way to restore voting rights. Mississippi Today’s 2018 analysis found that 61% Mississippians have lost their right to vote, despite the fact African Americans making up 38% of the state’s total voting-age population. Senate Bill 2536 was vetoed. It also created a registry for those convicted in public corruption cases. The Senate leadership will decide whether or not to challenge the gubernatorial vote during the 2023 session. Reeves became the first governor to overturn a veto in the 2020 session. This was his first session as governor since 2002. Federal court is currently challenging the Mississippi Constitution’s felony disenfranchisement provision on the basis of its “racist origins.” Attorney General Lynn Fitch is leading the fight to keep the Jim Crow-era provision. READ MORE: Lynn Fitch, Attorney General, argues that the Jim Crow-era voting ban must be upheld in federal court. It is unclear how the Reeves’ veto will affect the litigation. Bain, who was not available for comment, stated that he didn’t believe the language was controversial but was simply trying to make sure all judges treated those whose records were expunged in the same way as the restoration of voting rights.