Planned Parenthood claimed it was too costly and stigmatizing for them and decided to withdraw from the funding program. The recipients of grants vary from one country to the next. Title X has never paid for abortions. Planned Parenthood was the largest recipient up to last month. It says that abortions and other family planning services like contraceptive access or cancer screenings are considered reproductive health care. This should not be isolated or stigmatized. Mississippi is one example of a state that lumps Title X grant funds together. All funds are administered through the Mississippi State Department of Health, and all funds remain in state-operated clinics. The rule changes do not affect the state health department, which does not offer abortions. Hattiesburg’s state-run Planned Parenthood does not offer abortions. Felicia Brown-Williams of Planned Parenthood Southeast said that its patients won’t be directly affected. She advises patients to verify that Title X benefits are being paid to them and to explore all options. She fears that the new rule will increase disparities in access to health care. Planned Parenthood believes that only a pregnant woman should decide about their bodily autonomy. Your zip code shouldn’t affect your access to health care. Mississippians have suffered the brunt of policies that led to our current situation. Our health indicators show the horrendous consequences of reducing access. This decision concerns whether withholding information from patients is ethical and Planned Parenthood believes so, regardless of where you live.” Felicia Brown-Williams is the Planned Parenthood Southeast director in Mississippi. The roundup is part of our monthly newsletter The Inform[H]er.