Nonprofit Mississippi News An audit by the state auditor revealed extensive mismanagement, poor financial management, and poor record keeping at Holmes County Consolidated Schools District. The audit revealed 25 findings. These included that taxpayers paid $4,200 for a “B.Y.O.B.,” adults-only party, and that the former superintendent received $170,000 per year, even though the board had approved a $160,000 salary minutes before the meeting. According to the report, $14,000 was paid to businesses by James Henderson’s relatives. The relationships were not disclosed to board. In a press release, Shad White, Mississippi State Auditor, stated that “this audit reveals widespread issues.” “The taxpayers and Holmes County’s public school students are the victims of this audit,” said Shad White, Mississippi State Auditor. Henderson told Mississippi Today that many of the findings were false and described the investigation in a “witch hunting” as a result of a personnel decision he made in his first year as superintendent. Mississippi Today was provided with a copy his contract, which showed that his salary was $170,000. The superintendent’s salary is set by the school board. He stated that he would not repay the $20,000 auditors claimed he received for his work in the district. Henderson said that board members knew that the businesses used by the district were his family’s. “Everybody in a small community knows everyone.” Henderson, a Holmes County native who has worked in schools all across the country, stated that there are only two Holmes County restaurants. “The entire board (of trustees), knows my family, because I come from 16 siblings.” Henderson stated that the gathering was an “adults-only” event to “get out and vote” in order to increase awareness about a 2019 bond issue. According to the auditor’s report, the event was organized “to celebrate the passing of a school bonds; however, the bond didn’t pass.” Henderson also provided Mississippi Today with a flyer for the event. It advertised a “parents night out” with a barbecue dinner. The bottom says “Adults Only!” You are welcome to bring lawn chairs and your favorite beverage. “I didn’t put out any flyer for you to bring your own beverage.” Henderson stated that he acknowledged many of the issues in the audit and that he had worked to fix them over his two years as superintendent. In Henderson’s first year, an assistant principal with a criminal record was detained for having sex in the classroom with a student. Henderson stated that he has overseen the establishment of a fingerprinting system in the district, which returns background checks results in just 15 minutes. After discovering that many teachers weren’t licensed when he arrived in the district, Henderson said he worked to make sure all teachers were licensed._x000D