Bryant stated to the Hyde Smith supporters, “We’re going get all the McDaniel people.” “We’re going get Chris on the stump on the MAGA bus together with Cindy Hyde Smith. It should be a memorable moment. That’s what I’m going all out to do. I will bring everyone together. McDaniel remained ambivalent since Bryant’s prediction. McDaniel was made several offers to help this week by representatives of Hyde-Smith, according to McDaniel’s close friends. On Friday evening, President Donald Trump called. “We laughed. We were lighthearted. Then we were serious. McDaniel posted a Sunday night Facebook post saying that he had been encouraging throughout it all. Republican operatives in Mississippi hope two Trump strategic visits on Monday will be enough to win over McDaniel supporters. Trump will be speaking at two rallies in Tupelo at 4 and 8 p.m., with Vice President Mike Pence and Hyde-Smith. McDaniel did not respond to multiple requests for comment. These two locations were chosen with numbers in mind. On Election Day, approximately 35,000 Mississippians who live within 100 miles of Tupelo cast votes in support of McDaniel. He also received about 37,000 votes within 100 miles of Biloxi. The McDaniel voters were key to winning the election, with only 8,000 votes between Espy (and Hyde-Smith) on Election Day. Lucien Smith, Mississippi’s GOP chairman, said Saturday that Trump’s visit was part of the strategy to ensure that the remaining 57 percent of Republicans who voted in the last election vote on Tuesday. McDaniel made Bryant’s promise that night and asked his supporters to “unite, support Cindy Hyde Smith.” However, many of McDaniel’s most loyal supporters have struggled to deal with months of criticisms the Hyde Smith campaign has levelled against them and their peers in recent days. As Hyde Smith’s reputation has soured since Election Day, McDaniel supporters have lost any hope of Hyde Smith support. Laura Van Overschelde (leader of the Mississippi Tea Party, and a strong McDaniel supporter) stated that “we have no good options.” “The governor’s behavior over the past eight month has clearly shown that he is unable to influence Mississippians politically. This is a complete travesty. I have sent Donald Trump a tweet to inform him that he was wrong in his endorsement of Hyde-Smith, and I believe that. Overschelde said, “Any vote for Cindy Hyde Smith or Mike Espy will win in their favor.” “The people were left out of this election. Donald Trump should be aware of this. I believe he does. This is what they’ve done to us by putting up people like (Cindy Hyde Smith). She’s not impressed with the idea she must be accountable to the people, the press, and that she’s done that repeatedly.” GOP fathers and senior staffers involved in the Hyde Smith campaign know they will face a difficult battle. They spent millions and months destroying McDaniel’s political image. In statewide TV ads, they demonize McDaniel. When planning Republican rallies, they kept McDaniel supporters at arms length. They attacked McDaniel’s brand of conservatism, and highlighted his controversial statements. Hyde-Smith said McDaniel’s lies in secret video recorded at an October campaign event. “If his lips move, he is lying.” Trump has people who can’t think for their own good and they believe it.” Trump even mocked McDaniel prior to the election. Trump’s October visit was intended to take McDaniel’s support base in DeSoto County. McDaniel won more votes there than any other county in 2014. McDaniel was not mentioned at that rally. McDaniel supporters wore T-shirts that said “Trump Voters For Chris McDaniel”. Security asked them to change their inside-out when they entered the arena. Later, the Hyde-Smith campaign claimed that this was an order from Trump’s campaign which organized the rally. McDaniel acknowledged that Trump’s Southaven trip was the end of his campaign for 2018. McDaniel said that it was the hardest obstacle they faced. Trump supported her and took many Mississippians who would normally be drawn to our campaign. They simply followed his orders and did what he requested.” McDaniel’s supporters have mixed feelings about Tuesday’s runoff on McDaniel’s Facebook page. It serves as the hub of his base. One supporter wrote: “It is so unfair that so many good Mississippi Republicans must vote on Tuesday for someone they don’t trust.” Another poster said: “He supported the wrong horse in this race and now he has to try to save the ship.” After that, I will vote for CHS, because the alternative is worse.” Another poster said: “I am so torn about this runoff, voting for any candidate feels like voting against everything.” It’s almost like voting for the swamp, rather than against it.” McDaniel still has not yet announced his intention to campaign alongside Hyde-Smith or Trump at Monday’s Tupelo and Biloxi rallies. “Chris asked his followers to unite behind Hyde Smith, and apparently she thinks this alone will do it,” stated Keith Plunkett (a McDaniel friend) who runs the conservative blog Mississippi PEP. “I believe Chris would be the first to admit that he doesn’t have many blind supporters.” They want to engage in a conversation.”