Hunter Renfroe of Crystal Springs, Mississippi State is another Mississippian. Renfroe has hit four home runs since being called up to San Diego Padres. His longest run was Thursday’s third inning, which is believed to be the longest in Petco Park’s 13-year history. Dennis Lin, San Diego Union-Tribune’s baseball writer, said that Renfroe’s huge home run was so big that he might have “blown it open” if Petco Park had a roof. The ball hit the roof of a metal supply company, 435 feet away from home plate. Renfroe doubled in the first innings and drove in four runs to win the 6-5 victory against the Los Angeles Dodgers. It almost felt like an encore performance. Renfroe had already driven in seven Padre runs the night before. This gave him 11 RBI in only two games. After being called up, Renfroe is now hitting.381 and has a double, four home runs, and 12 RBIs. This is the end of a Pacific League MVP season at El Paso’s Padres Class AAA club. Many people had wondered why Renfroe won the 2013 C Spire Ferriss Trophy, and the Padres waited so long to raise him. Renfro now puts an exclamation mark at the end.