Because President Donald Trump joined a lawsuit to end protections for preexisting conditions, it has made pre-existing condition a major campaign issue. The lawsuit was filed jointly by Mississippi governor and Republican state attorneys general. Phil Bryant. Both Republican Senators. Both Republican Sens. David Baria (D-Bay St. Louis), a state representative, challenged Wicker. He said that invalidating the ACA’s pre-existing coverage requirement is more than a political stunt. It is a matter of life or death for many people in Mississippi, and should be treated as serious policy issues. …. Over 50 million Americans could lose their coverage or have to pay huge premiums if the lawsuit is won by the 20 states. “If this lawsuit prevails, it would cause an almost instant and systemic crisis in health.” Wicker stated that the lawsuits are not meant to repeal the pre-existing coverage mandate. Instead, Wicker wants to improve the health care of Mississippians. Wicker stated in a prepared statement that the administration wants to overturn Obamacare completely. There are better ways to protect pre-existing conditions than mandating Obamacare. Strong protections are needed to ensure that all Americans have affordable access to healthcare, even those with pre-existing conditions. Ensuring Coverage For Patients With Pre-existing Conditions is a bill I co-sponsored that would ensure equal access to healthcare regardless of one’s health status. Many health care advocates claim that the Wicker-sponsored bill will not provide the same protections for pre-existing conditions as does the Affordable Care Act. The American Heart Association stated that it was happy Wicker and other Republican senators understood the dangers to people with pre-existing medical conditions, if the Republican attorneys general won their lawsuit. The American Heart Association stated that the Wicker-sponsored bill could lead to higher premiums and increased out-of-pocket expenses for many individuals. Even if enrollees pay the increased premiums for many more months, they may still be denied benefits due to a pre-existing condition. If Texas v. U.S. is ruled unfavorably, the bill will not replace important protections in existing law. This is unacceptable for the patients that we represent.” Democrat Mike Espy is challenging Hyde Smith in Tuesday’s special Senate elections to replace Thad Cochran. He also made it clear that protecting pre-existing conditions is a major issue. Hyde-Smith, who boasted during her Hob Nob speech that she supported Trump 100 percent, seemed to distance herself from Bryant and the president over the lawsuit that would invalidate the Affordable Care Act. After Cochran’s resignation, the governor appointed Hyde Smith as interim senator. She stated, “The governor will do what he needs to do.” While I cannot speak for him, I can speak on his behalf and I can say that I know many people who have pre-existing medical conditions. She stated that she had not voted for the elimination of pre-existing condition protections. Espy denied that she had. He noted that she voted against a proposal last month that would have mandated insurance premiums to be sold outside the Affordable Care Act regulations in order to provide coverage for preexisting conditions. In the days leading up to the election, a SuperPAC representing Espy circulated mailers with the same message. Espy stated that “We should improve health care, and not lower standards.” “If elected, Mississippians can count on me to fight discrimination against pre-existing patients and make sure that insurance companies don’t turn health insurance into junk insurance. My opponent should be asked to explain why she voted against something which would be beneficial for so many Mississippians.” Chris Gallegos, the spokesman, said that her vote was “Sen. Hyde-Smith voted for Mississippians to have access to short-term insurance plans. She voted against the Democrats’ resolution which would have eliminated short-term policies options that were restored by Trump. Mississippians need more options for health insurance.” Espy and other Democrats argue that even these policies should be able to cover pre-existing conditions. Republican state senator Chris McDaniel (also running against Hyde Smith and Espy) did not answer questions regarding pre-existing conditions. In his previous “contract” with Mississippi, he stated that he would support the repeal and replacement the Affordable Care Act. He also said that he would use market-based solutions and would work to ensure that every citizen has the same healthcare policies Congress provides.