Wicker spent hundreds and thousands of dollars to get himself in a battle-ready position. In 2014, when McDaniel nearly lost to U.S. Senator Thad Cochran, Wicker secured endorsements from those who had publicly supported McDaniel. He promoted television and digital ads that countered McDaniel’s Facebook posts to his social media followers. McDaniel then switched races and announced that he would run for the two remaining years of Cochran’s seat. Thanks to Gov. Phil Bryant appointment. Although Wicker’s campaign manager Justin Brassell assured Mississippi Today, “we take the primary very seriously,” McDaniel’s flip-flop changed the Wicker camp’s view of the June primary from one potentially difficult moment to one that was a breeze against Richard Boyanton. Brassell stated that they have been focusing their positive message on Senator Wicker’s conservative achievements to grow our economy and cut taxes, confirm conservative judges. Secure our border, protect our country. This is clear. Wicker’s campaign promoted social media videos that paired Wicker with Trump and other top Republican leaders in Washington. The first-term president endorsed Wicker, who was chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and helped retain the Senate’s Republican majority in 2016. Wicker posted on Facebook, “I will continue working with President Trump to grow the economy and create more job opportunities in Mississippi.” He also encouraged readers to visit his campaign donation page. Wicker also wrote that he was a State Senator and that he had authored legislation which was passed into law. This provision allows for Mississippians to have a 24-hour waiting time for abortions. Wicker stated that he is 100% pro-life and would work to advance pro-life policies in Washington. The campaign has promoted several ads that highlight Wicker’s military service. His Facebook page’s banner reads “Respect our national anthem.” Respect our military. Respect our military.” Boyanton is a 68-year old small-businessman from Diamondhead. This suits Wicker’s defensive strategy, which was already in place for the possible McDaniel matchup. Boyanton, for his part, has received some financial and social media support from McDaniel’s base, he stated – even though Boyanton did not seem to be very knowledgeable about McDaniel at the beginning of April. Boyanton tweeted April 8: “I believe Chris McDaniel is going to make Mississippi proud.” Boyanton tweeted on April 8: “I believe Chris McDaniel will make Mississippi proud.” Boyanton also attempted to exploit Boyanton’s support for the state flag. It is the only flag in the country that contains the Confederate battle emblem. Wicker has stated that he would like to change the flag. However, many white conservatives, many of whom McDaniel backs have expressed their disapproval at Wicker’s position on the matter. Boyanton has stated that McDaniel should continue to support the state flag and that the state should follow McDaniel’s 2001 ballot initiative results, in which 64% of voters voted for the current flag design. Boyanton said this week that Roger Wicker was “just too liberal for my taste.” Boyanton said, “I couldn’t wait to watch this one out.” He had loaned $60,000 to his campaign from his retirement fund. His low-profile campaign hasn’t received much, if any penetration throughout the state. While he reported only $250 in contributions during the first quarter, he claims he raised more than $10,000 in the second quarter. Wicker has never publicly addressed Boyanton or written his name. He has also not made indirect references to his Republican primary opponent. Boyanton stated that the only interaction between the two candidates was a handshake at a Gulf Coast TV station and brief conversation. Boyanton stated, “I’m just trying get by and see how I can help.” “I’m doing it for my grandkids, great grandkids.” If Wicker wins the June primary election, his campaign will focus on countering the platform ideas presented by one of the top Democrats in the race for the nomination: Rep. David Baria (State House minority leader), Omeria Scott (long-serving state Rep.) and Howard Sherman (venture capitalist). Both Senate seats will be up in the general election on Nov. 6. Special elections to end the remaining two years of Hyde-Smith’s term will be held. This will bring intense national scrutiny and likely out-of-state spending. Wicker’s reelection is not guaranteed as Washington Republicans attempt to keep the majority of the Senate from Democrats. Brassell stated that “we are confident that our message will reach voters, despite the attention given to the special election as well as the activities of outside groups.” “We will run an active and visible campaign this autumn,” Brassell said. “Senator Wicker knows that every vote must be earned and does not take anything for granted.”